Saturday, February 20, 2010

Not Dead Yet, St. Patrick's Day Photo Contest

Greetings NOT DEAD YET Fans! Thank you so much for your loyal support of our online store launch last week.  Now we want to provide you an opportunity to GET LUCKY, and enter our St. Patrick’s Day Photo contest. When you purchase a NOT DEAD YET shirt from, please take a photo of yourself wearing it and post it to our NOT DEAD YET Facebook page. The photo of you wearing your NOT DEAD YET shirt posted by midnight March 16th will qualify your name for our St. Patrick’s Day Raffle.  And yes, all of you that already purchased a shirt are eligible to win. The Original Not Dead Yet Guys will pick two winners on St. Patrick’s Day, Wednesday March 17th and the winners will receive a $50 American Express Gift Certificate.  The raffle will be videoed and posted to our Facebook page later that day. We look forward to seeing your smiling faces!  Good Luck everyone and don’t forget to identify yourself or tag your photo so we know who you are.

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