Saturday, February 20, 2010

Not Dead Yet, St. Patrick's Day Photo Contest

Greetings NOT DEAD YET Fans! Thank you so much for your loyal support of our online store launch last week.  Now we want to provide you an opportunity to GET LUCKY, and enter our St. Patrick’s Day Photo contest. When you purchase a NOT DEAD YET shirt from, please take a photo of yourself wearing it and post it to our NOT DEAD YET Facebook page. The photo of you wearing your NOT DEAD YET shirt posted by midnight March 16th will qualify your name for our St. Patrick’s Day Raffle.  And yes, all of you that already purchased a shirt are eligible to win. The Original Not Dead Yet Guys will pick two winners on St. Patrick’s Day, Wednesday March 17th and the winners will receive a $50 American Express Gift Certificate.  The raffle will be videoed and posted to our Facebook page later that day. We look forward to seeing your smiling faces!  Good Luck everyone and don’t forget to identify yourself or tag your photo so we know who you are.

Friday, February 5, 2010

NOT DEAD YET, The Best is Yet to Come

Frankly Speaking, February 5th, 2010
Welcome to the inaugural NOT DEAD YET Blog.  I’m Frank and I am one of the Original Not Dead Yet Guys. You may be wondering what all this “Not Dead Yet” stuff is all about.   For me, it started when I noticed how some people began addressing me as sir, or treating me like I was an old man.  Hey I’m only 53! I don’t feel 53, ok sometimes I do physically, but not mentally.  In my mind I’m still 35.  So back up, I’m Not Dead Yet.  I don’t have to submit to this misconception “Not Dead Yet” for me simply means, I’m not done yet. I’ve got a lot left to give, a lot left to do.  I’m not slowing down…I’m just getting started, the best is yet to come!!!

Lately I’ve been reflecting on my life experiences.  Taking a look back at where I’ve been, where I’m at now, and what I’d like to be doing.  When I was younger I remember listening to Zig Ziglar at a motivational conference.  He was about 65 at the time and he said something I remember to this day. He said “I figure it’ll be about 20-30 more years before I even peak”.   I liked his attitude then and I like it even more now.

Together, we Original Not Dead Yet Guys came up with three words that exemplify what NOT DEAD YET is all about; Resilience, Spirit, Wisdom

Resilience – People who never give up regardless of what obstacles life throws at them; they refuse to lose.  People who are survivors and can’t wait until tomorrow because they’re getting stronger every day.

Spirit – People with the Spirit of Joy, Appreciation, Adventure, Passion, and Compassion

Wisdom – People who have experienced life, who are wise enough to know that we’re all unique but also share many similarities.  Wise enough to know that they’re never too smart to learn.  Wise enough to be content with who they are.  Wise enough to realize that while they can’t change the past, they can influence the present and the future.

I’ve got 4 wonderful children, ages 12 thru 21 and a beautiful two and a half year old granddaughter.  I want to see what the world has in store for them.   I want to learn how to play the piano, learn to speak Italian, complete my MBA, and travel with my beautiful wife.  I want to volunteer and serve others and give back to my community.  Maybe I’ll be a High School teacher and a baseball coach.  Something I’ve always wanted to do.   It feels like halftime for me.  There’s so much more to learn and do.

I know I’m not the only one in this state of mind.  What about you?  What do you think about?  What would you like to accomplish? Are you inspired by people who are adventurous, still growing and taking on new challenges?   Are you full of life?  Do you see the best in others and want to make an impact where you can? 

 Please share your Not Dead Yet story or the story of someone you know.  Optimism and Hope are contagious.  Keep an eye out at The Grand Opening is coming real soon.